My Inspiration

My Inspiration
Let's find a cure . . . for our mothers, daughters, friends, neighbors. EVERYONE deserves a lifetime! My daughter and I on Mother's Day 2011 ~ Getting ready for the Race for the Cure

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Day 1 ~ Von Hanson's

We had beautiful weather and served tons of people at our brat stand! It's
quite obvious that the weather can either make or break you, while doing the
brat stand. I certainly couldn't imagine standing there ... in the rain! :-( We
are VERY thankful that mother nature was on our side!!

We decided to sell chips along with baked goods to go along with the
brats. Both have seemed to be going well! Many thanks to my mother in
law Connie and neighbor Susan, for contributing to our baked goods for our
sale! It is greatly appreciated!

It was the first time our entire team was together and had the opportunity to meet. We were all able to grill and serve....with the gracious help of our families. I think the most notable helper award would have to go to Riley....he might only be 5....but, he makes certain his voice is heard. Anytime someone would order up a brat or hotdog, he would yell to the grill "2 BRATS 1 DOG"....kind of like you would hear in a restaurant kitchen. It was pretty comical...and got several chuckles.

I will let everyone know the final results of our brat stand .... after our work is done for today. If today goes as well as yesterday.......we will be very pleased! (and very tired!! :-)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Von Hansens Brat Stand ~ July 11 and 12th

Hey Everyone....We are getting ready for our 2nd year of firing up
the grill at Von Hansen's.

Last year, we had a wonderful weekend and a great turnout, as we grilled
brats and hot dogs at the Von Hansens in Eagan. They are generous enough to donate the food, and split the pro cedes with us 50/50. It was a great fund raising event for our team last year.

This year, we are grilling again on July 11 and 12th. We will be at the Apple Valley Von Hansens, from about 10 am - 5 pm. Bring every one you know!! :-) It's a pretty cheap meal ~ and you're supporting a great cause!

I was talking to one of my patients parents, who recently did the brat stand as a fundraiser also. They sold "sweets", to go along with the brats. She said that these sold out rather quickly! So, I am hoping to start baking up some bars and cookies that we might be able to sell as well. If you like to bake and are interested in helping - feel free!

Also - if you enjoy are always welcome to come join us! We can never have to much help!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Pancake Breakfast ~ Red Robin

..Pancakes :-)

The pancake breakfast was a great success!! Thank you so much to everyone who got up so early, on a rainy Saturday morning, to come eat pancakes and sausage with us! It was great to see you and visit a bit as well! You coming out and supporting our efforts really means a lot!

I would also like to thank my friends and family who were so graciously willing to help with the service at the restaurant. We wouldn't have been able to do it without their smiling faces!

I certainly appreciate all who greeted, served, seated, took tickets .... absolutely everyone!

Top photo
Alaina, Leah, Alison, Kaitlin, Kerri, Julie, Charity, Kari, Steve, Riley

Top Left: The Meyer Family
Top Right: Alison, Kerri, Kaitlin
Bottom Left: Denise and Tara
Bottom Right: Kari and her parents

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pancake Breakfast

Please join us for our next fund raising activity

Pancake Breakfast

When: Saturday June 27, 2009
Time: 8:00 - 10:00 am
Where: Red Robin Restaurant ~ Apple Valley
Cost: $7

All proceeds go to Team Blisters 4 Boobs.
Tickets can be purchased in advance ~ by contacting me, or at the door.

Hope to see you there!!

Walking through the finish line!!

Last years walk

Many people have asked me about my experience, participating in the Twin Cities 3 Day 2008. Words can barely describe what an amazing experience it was!!

The scenery, while walking was beautiful!! I saw many areas around the Twin Cities, that I have never seen. We started at the State Fairgrounds, and walked all around the outskirts of St. Paul. The view of the river, while walking there, was breathtaking. After about 24 miles, we ended in Maplewood in our pink castles (tents). The camp ground was pretty much silent by 10pm! The next 2 days, we also walked along many beautiful areas throughout the Twin Cities.

In the evenings, they had entertainment. There was music, food, dancers etc. We even had the opportunity to get foot massages! Needless to say, this line was always very long!!

I have always enjoyed walking, however; walking for 60 miles puts an entirely different perspective on the activity! Occasionally, I run 5 K runs...and for me, this is challenging. Well, after walking 60 miles...... those 5Ks, seem like a walk in the park!

Walking 60 miles is by far the most physically challenging activity I have done. I was lucky...and only had 3 tiny blisters. The first night, my body ached....the second night, it REALLY ached! Overall, my body faired quite well. I did loose 2 toe nails, and tore some ligaments in my knee.

Although my body hurt, it is nothing in comparison to those who are brave enough to endure chemo....or to those who have lost their battle to breast cancer.

One of my favorite stories to share with people is this. On the second day, there were a lot of hills and it was about 85F. My knee was getting pretty sore, my body was a bit achy, I was hot and I was tired.

As I was feeling a bit cranky....we approached a cheering station. Cheering stations are where people can come and cheer on the walkers. The side walk was lined with 100's of people who were holding signs, handing out cold water, freezy pops, candy and cheering many words of thanks and encouragement.

While walking through this "parade" of people cheering, one gal really caught my eye. She was young, maybe in her early 30's. She stood off to the side ~ all by herself. She stood there, silent...holding her folded hands up under her chin, as tears streamed down her face. I was to only assume, by the 'turbin' wrapped around her bald head, that she was currently battling breast cancer.

At that point ~ I decided that my knee didn't really hurt all that bad. Yes it was hot...and yes, I was tired. But, my ailments would heal...without chemo!!

Over the course of the 3 days, I met many wonderful people. There were young people, elderly people....there were even 2 people in wheelchairs participating in this walk.

I am SO proud to say, that with the help of YOU ~ my family and friends, I was able to surpass my goal. I raised nearly $3700! Words alone can not thank you enough! The entire Twin Cities 3 Day raised over $7 million!!!! Truely Amazing!! knee is toenail...well, it's making progress! Not totally grown back yet ~ but that's okay. It's almost there! I just hope I don't loose it again this year! :-)